Lámpara Colgante – VINTAGE ORO ROSA – para E27
Lámpara Colgante VINTAGE ORO ROSA for E27 has a very simple design but with a vintage-industrial style very characteristic.
Perfect for all types of spaces, it combines wonderfully with LED filament bulbs. Obviously, the light it emits will depend on the bulb we install. This allows us to fully customize the type of lighting we want for each specific environment.The light can range from the most powerful to the subtlest, depending on the needs of each space.
LED lighting elements such as the pendant lamp allow us to create cozy spaces that give life to every corner of the room. We can use it alone or combine several lamps at different heights.creating a very visually appealing ensemble.
Thanks to its IP20 protection, it is perfect for indoor use.
Lámpara Colgante – VINTAGE ORO ROSA – para E27
- canteens
- bedrooms
- kitchens
- offices
- living rooms
- restaurants
- cafeterias
Product Data Sheet
- SL91746
Nominal Voltage
- 85V-265V
Building Material
- Steel
- E27
Measurements (Mm)
- 1500
Warranty Years
- 3